Hericium erinaceus
Lion's Mane Mushroom
Lion’s mane mushrooms, also known as hou tou gu or yamabushitake, are large, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane as they grow.
Recipes Featuring Fresh and Dried Lion's Mane Mushroom.
Lion’s Mane mushroom has a taste and texture similar to lobster or crab; stringy, meaty, and delicate. Once cooked, it’s slightly chewy, tender, and juicy, with a seafood-like taste.
“This is my favorite mushroom.” -Michael M.
Featured Articles
Stay up to date with our latest research and articles about lion’s mane.
How To Grow Lion's Mane Outdoors
We will teach you the simplest and lowest maintenance way to grow delicious medicinal mushrooms outdoors. Minimal equipment needed.

Lion's Mane For Brain Health
Lion’s mane may benefit older adults with mild cognitive impairment, according to a small study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2009.

How To Choose The Best Lion's Mane Supplement
Everything you need to know to choose the best and most effective lion’s mane mushroom supplement. What to look for, what to avoid, and which questions to ask.
Top 4 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom
Here are the top 4 mind-blowing benefits of lion’s mane mushroom.
- Boosts Memory
- Can Help Fight Depression & Anxiety
- Increases Focus
- Prevents & Treats Neurodegenerative Diseases

What They Say

Jonah Schwarz

“Lion’s mane is my favorite nootropic. I always notice a difference when I forget to take it.”
Erin Lawrence

“Everyone should try lion’s mane.”